Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sources of revenue in the Nepali economy

The total revenue in FY 2007/08, 2008/09, and 2009/10 was Rs 107.6 billion, Rs 143.5 billion and Rs 179.9 billion, respectively. Between FY 2008/09 and 2009/10 total revenue increased by 25.4%.

Revenue derived from VAT is the highest (29.7% of total revenue = Rs 53.46 billion), followed by customs (19.5% =  Rs 35.03 billion), income tax (18.7% =  Rs 33.65 billion), excise (13.5%), registration fee (3.1%), vehicle tax (1.4%), educational service tax (0.1%), and non-tax income (14% = Rs 25.28 billion). These are provisional figures for fiscal year 2009/10, sourced from the macroeconomic indicators 2009/10, NRB. Between 2008/09 and 2009/10, revenue from excise increased by 49.6%, vehicle tax by 38.8%, educational service tax by 1036.2%, value added tax by 35%, customs by 31.6%, income tax by 22.4% and non-tax revenue by 23.3%.